Fasching or Karneval is the celebration that takes place before Ash Wednesday, which marks the traditional beginning of Lent. The festival sprang up as a means to prepare for the coming times of self-denial. It also evolved to become a place for satire, as peasants took the festivities as an occasion to poke fun at their feudal lords. In fact, the use of the fun masks was to protect the actors from reprisals by the kings! To this day the costumes help set the atmosphere for what Germans know as ‘the fool’s season’.
Each German region has its style and tradition, with massive festivals in the larger cities. It is the time for costumes, with adults as involved as the children. Guilds keep the traditions alive and meet months in advance to lay plans for costume balls, dances, parades, etc. Our South Winnipeg Kinderschule Fasching Guild has gears in motion for the morning celebration that makes our Fasching experience. It's been a great time for the children and friends of the Kinderschule community for years, with games, costumes, face painting, singing and racket making, and of course food and treats. In 2020 we held a much smaller weekday morning event with no parents, due to Covid-19. Much celebration happened nonetheless! We look forward to returning to full community participation. |